学术讲座:“Developing New Battery Chemistries for Energy Storage”
报告人:刘天骠 教授
时 间:5月13日 上午9:00
地 点:一号实验楼302会议室
In response to rapid increasing energy storage demands of consuming electronics, electrical vehicles, electrical grids, and clean energy storage, there is an urgent call for advanced rechargeable batteries with superior energy storage performance compared to existing battery technologies. The presentation will cover our research efforts in developing new battery chemistries for sustainable and economical electrochemical energy storage. Through rational molecular engineering, we have designed and applied redox active molecules including viologen, ferrocene, ferrocyanide and TEMPO for developing aqueous and nonaqueous organic redox flow batteries (AORFBs and NAORFBs). Particularly, the chemistry and battery performance of AORFBs will be discussed in detail. In addition, Mg electrolyte chemistries and their applications in developing high energy density Mg rechargeable batteries will also be presented. How mechanistic understandings at the molecular level play crucial roles in developing new generation of rechargeable batteries will be emphasized.
刘天骠教授(美国犹他州立大学化学与生物化学系,课题组主页www.tianbiaoliu.org):2009博士毕业于美国德州农工大学化学系(Texas A&M University),2013到2015在美国能源部太平洋西北国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)任研究员。主要科研方向为能源转化包括电池技术开发、光电催化化学燃料的转化以及环境友好催化有机合成。刘天骠教授是新型有机液流电池和镁离子电池的开拓者,在电催化能源转化方向也作出了一系列原创性的工作,获美国著名的科学发展研究协会2017-2019年先进能源研究学者、犹他州政府2017 年能源研究学者、2018 Chemical Communications杂志杰出青年学者及2019年美国国家自然基金杰出青年奖。在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Joule、Chem、J. Mater. Chem. A等著名期刊发表科研论文58 篇,拥有专利申请8项,其中三项已进入实用转化阶段。科研成果曾多次被Science, C&EN, Phy.org, ChemistyViews,《科技日报》等媒体报道。